Legal Contracts
Given the trust based nature of V1 and the fact that most of the investment activities of the guilds occur outside of the protocol, the terms of the arrangement that guilds must follow are defined in legal contracts that are signed by guilds before they can be whitelisted.
A combination of various incentives and disincentives encourage guilds to follow the terms of the contract:
Legal consequences of breaching the contract.
Access to future capital. Guilds need capital to scale and they will lose any future access to capital through the OpenGuild protocol if they breach the contract.
OG token rewards. OpenGuild may reward early users through future OG token airdrops. OG tokens could have significant value and any guild that breaches the contract will lose eligibility for any potential airdrops.
Protecting their reputation. Failure to comply with the contract could result in guilds losing their status as a reputable organization in the crypto gaming community.
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